TWO-PHASE TreatmentS
Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process that combines tooth alignment and growth modification of the jaws. The purpose of two-phase treatment is to maximize the opportunity to accomplish the ideal healthy, functional, and aesthetic result that will remain stable throughout your child's life. Receiving a two-phase treatment may prevent the removal of permanent teeth later in life, or the need for surgical procedures to realign the jaws.
Putting off treatment can result in a need for more aggressive treatment later in life that may not completely fix your child's smile. Early treatment is most effective for achieving lasting results.
But, not all patients need 2 phases. Dr. Aisha is conservative about Phase I treatment. She likes to help parents understand the difference between who really "needs" two phases, versus those that really just need one phase. Her goal at that first appointment is to educate a parent on whether their child needs Phase I treatment and how they can benefit from it. In some cases, two phase treatment is not needed, and in those cases Dr. Aisha will guide a family on best timing of treatment and she will keep an eye on the patient over time until treatment is needed.
The goal of Phase One treatment is to help the jaw develop in a way that will accommodate all of the permanent teeth and improve the way the upper and lower jaws fit together. Children often exhibit early signs of jaw problems as they grow and develop. Once identified, these can be treated with Phase One growth modification orthodontic treatment.
At the end of the first phase of treatment, teeth are not in their final positions. In this resting phase, selective removal of certain primary (baby) teeth may help enhance eruption of permanent teeth. Therefore, periodic recall appointments for observation are necessary, usually on a six-month basis.
The goal of the second phase is to make sure each tooth has an exact location in the mouth where it is in harmony with the lips, cheeks, tongue, and other teeth. When this equilibrium is established, the teeth will function together properly. The second phase begins when all permanent teeth have erupted and usually involves full upper and lower braces.
Retainers are worn after this phase to ensure your child retains their beautiful smile for a lifetime.
Foods to Avoid
Hard or sticky food will do damage by bending wires, loosening cement that seals the bands to the teeth, or breaking brackets away from the teeth.
Do Not Eat
Popcorn, nuts, peanut brittle, ice (even if you're careful), lemons (pure lemon juice has acid), corn on the cob, Mexican style or Dorrito type chips, taffy, caramels, gum, or sticky candy.
Do Not Eat
Foods high in sugar content (to protect your dental health)
Refer a Friend
Refer a friend and your next checkup and cleaning is free*
* Note: Only applies to checkup and not additional dental procedures that patient requests as a result of checkup.