27 year old female is depressed about her protruding teeth. This has been complicated by several extractions over the years. This mutilated bite was treated with space consolidation and subsequent denture work.
Treatment time: 21 months
28 year old female admits that her tongue thrust habit has pushed her teeth forward. Treatment was by extraction of upper and lower first premolars, frenectomy and permanent retention.
Treatment time: 36 months.
This 29 year old female seeking a pleasant smile was treated with extraction of all first premolars.
Treatment time: 26 months
Mother to 11 year old girl is concerned that her teeth stick out and she bites on the roof of her mouth. This severe Class II malocclusion was treated with extraction of maxillary 1st premolars and retraction of her upper incisors.
Treatment time 27 months
21 year old lady complained of an open bite at the front and problems chewing with the back teeth. this skeletal class III malocclusion was treated conservatively with maxillary expansion followed by extraction of mandibular first premolars and compensatory mechanics.
Treatment time: 36 months.
Foods to Avoid
Hard or sticky food will do damage by bending wires, loosening cement that seals the bands to the teeth, or breaking brackets away from the teeth.
Do Not Eat
Popcorn, nuts, peanut brittle, ice (even if you're careful), lemons (pure lemon juice has acid), corn on the cob, Mexican style or Dorrito type chips, taffy, caramels, gum, or sticky candy.
Do Not Eat
Foods high in sugar content (to protect your dental health)
Refer a Friend
Refer a friend and your next checkup and cleaning is free*
* Note: Only applies to checkup and not additional dental procedures that patient requests as a result of checkup.