What to Expect
This Initial Consultation appointment will take approximately thirty minutes. If the patient is a minor, we request that a responsible adult be present for this appointment so decisions regarding treatment can be made. During this consultation, we shall discuss the following:
If orthodontic treatment is necessary for you at this stage.
The best treatment options for your situation.
How the braces work and what is expected of you during treatment.
How to maintain your new smile after treatment.
There is a fee for this initial examination. If treatment is indicated, diagnostic records will be recommended. These records are usually done at a separate appointment to give you time to contemplate what we have just discussed during your consultation and to come to a conclusive decision.
After your consultation, you will spend a few minutes with our finance manager to discuss the cost of your orthodontic treatment and payment schedule. She will answer any finance-related questions you may have regarding your orthodontic treatment.
If you have dental insurance, please check with your employer or your insurance company to find out whether you have orthodontic benefits. While we do not take responsibility to submit a claim on your behalf, we are quite happy to fill in the forms that you need to secure a legitimate claim.
If you are ever unable to keep an appointment, please notify our office as soon as possible to reschedule.
Financial Policy
Full fixed braces treatment fees include placement of appliances and all associated adjustment appointments, removal of appliances and one year of follow-up visits. It however, excludes the cost of retainers and all other lab-fabricated appliances. The type of retainer given is dependent on tooth response to orthodontic treatment, which cannot be determined at the beginning of treatment whilst lab-fabricated braces require full payment of laboratory fees upfront.
Option #1: In-House Financing
This option requires a down payment PRIOR to the placement of the orthodontic appliances, with the remaining balance paid in monthly installments over the course of 1ST CALENDAR YEAR of treatment. Accounts must be paid in full within the stipulated time period and are independent to the length of treatment.
Option # 2: Payment in Full
Patients opting to pay the account in full when treatment begins and contract is signed will receive a 5% courtesy on the total treatment fee when paid for in cash.
Please note that additional charges will apply for lost or broken appliances.
Foods to Avoid
Hard or sticky food will do damage by bending wires, loosening cement that seals the bands to the teeth, or breaking brackets away from the teeth.
Do Not Eat
Popcorn, nuts, peanut brittle, ice (even if you're careful), lemons (pure lemon juice has acid), corn on the cob, Mexican style or Dorrito type chips, taffy, caramels, gum, or sticky candy.
Do Not Eat
Foods high in sugar content (to protect your dental health)
Refer a Friend
Refer a friend and your next checkup and cleaning is free*
* Note: Only applies to checkup and not additional dental procedures that patient requests as a result of checkup.